
Open Dataset XSPRDTAA

SEC-SAXS-MALS for mAb4 ( SinoBiological: 40143-R004) against the N-terminal domain of nucleocapsid protein from SARS-CoV-2


We conducted a structural characterization of mAbs against the N-terminal domain of nucleocapsid protein (NPNTD) from SARS-CoV-2 using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Our solution-based results distinguished the mAbs’ flexibility and how this flexibility impacts the assembly of multiple mAbs on an antigen. By pairing two mAbs that bind different epitopes on the NPNTD, we show that flexible mAbs form a closed sandwich-like complex. With rigid mAbs, a juxtaposition of the Fabs is prevented, enforcing a linear arrangement of the mAb pair, which facilitates further mAb polymerization.

Experimental description

For SEC-MALS-SAXS experiments, 60 uL of a sample containing mAb4 ~1.5 mg/mL was prepared in PBS pH 7.4 buffer. SEC-MALS-SAXS was collected at the SIBYLS beamline (BL 12.3.1) at the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California

File description

*cbf.dat > unsubtracted SAXS curves for 600 two-second exposures across the SEC elution profile. *.dat > final merged SAXS profile for main SEC peak *.pdb > two multistate atomic model *.pdf > SEC-MALS results





Data collection technique


Journal DOI




Sample to Detector Distance

Submitting Author

Michal Hammel

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, The SIBYLS Beamline

United States of America

[email protected]


Project Leader

Michal Hammel

[email protected]

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The complete SAS dataset is downloadable as a zip file.

Individual SAS Data Files (total 1)

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Supplemental Data and Supporting Materials (total 3)

These data and materials may include X-ray crystal structure coordinates, multi-angle light scattering data, .etc. It may also include additional details or methods pertaining to the SAXS experiments, or the researcher's interpretations of the results.

Open SAXS data analysis sites in a new tab using these links

SAXS Similarity SAXS FrameSlice


  • Macromolecule 1: mAb4
    • Sample Full Name: mAb4 ( SinoBiological: 40143-R00)
    • Sample Type: Protein
    • Source Organism:
    • Source Organism NCBI Taxonomy ID:
    • Expression System:
    • Expression NCBI Taxonomy ID:
    • Sequence or Chemical Formula: