- Registration and Sign-in are not required to view and download available data and its corresponding metadata
- Registration and Sign-in are required to upload and publish data
Viewing and Downloading Available Data
- Navigate to the Dashboard to see the lastest releases, or the OpenData page to see all the available data. You may also search for specific data using the search input field in the navigation bar
- Click the View link for the dataset that you would like more information on and/or download
- To download the complete dataset, click the Download link or main button under Complete Set of SAS Data Files
- There may also be supporting files containing additional information about the experiment, or files such as Multi-angle Light Scattering (MALS), X-ray coordinate files in Protein Data Bank format, etc. Simply click the corresponding Download link for each file
Depositing Data
- Read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy pages
- Go to the Registration page and register
- Complete your registration by adding in information about your Institute, Project Leader after gaining permission (see Terms of Service), and your Country
Navigate to the Deposit New Dataset Page
- Once permissions are granted by our staff, each User is allowed to upload up to 10 datasets per day
- While the data is not curated, the datasets will be checked prior to publishing for convention conformity
- Sign-in to the website
- Click the Deposit link in the top navigation bar
Contributor Information
- Required: Select your Institution (University, Company, .etc). If your institute is not listed, again, use the Add new institution to pulldown link
- Required: Choose a Project Leader (Principal Investigator, Lead Scientist, .etc) from the pulldown menu. If you are the project leader, and have not done so already, click the Add new project leader to pulldown link and add yourself. You may need to refresh the Deposit New Dataset page to then find yourself in the pulldown
- Required: Select your Country
Experimental Description
- Required: Add a short Title for the dataset
- Required: Select the Data collection technique
- Required: Provide an Abstract. This should be a description of the objective or why you did your experiment, along with expectations and results, .etc
Human superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the conversion of the free radical superoxide to molecular oxygen and water. Some mutations within the SOD1 gene gives rise to mutant proteins that are implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. When these mutants are isolated and incubated at 37 degrees C, we determined that they then form filaments and aggregate. We tested whether increasing amounts of copper could stabilize the SOD mutant D90A using SAXS. We found that...
- Required: Provide an Experimental description. This should be how you did your experiment, ie. the methods:
Recombinant human superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) with the mutation D90A was expressed in E. coli and purified with a final buffer of 100 mM Tris-Cl, 200 mM NaCl, and 1 mM TCEP. The protein was then incubated in varying amounts of CuSO4 and/or ZnCl2 and heated to 37 degrees C for 15 min. Samples were subjected to X-rays at wavelength 1.000 Å at Beamline 12.3.1 at the Advanced Light Source...
- Required: Provide a File Description for your dataset. This should be a roadmap so that others can determine what the experimental conditions are for each file such that another user can identify what they represent:
Each file has been processed such that a "blank" scattering curve representing the buffer plus the appropriate amount of CuSO4 or ZnCl2 has been subtracted. No further processing has been done. Files sod_cu_001.dat to sod_cu_050.dat represent the SOD D90A protein incubated in 1 to 50 mM CuSO4 in 1 mM increments. Files sod_zn_051.dat to sod_zn_100.dat represent protein incubated in 1 to 50 mM CuSO4 in 1 mM increments. Files sod_cuzn_101.dat to sod_cuzn_150.dat represent protein incubated in 1 to 50 mM CuSO4 and ZnCl2 in 1 mM increments. An associated X-ray crystal structure coordinate file in .pdb format of SOD D90A is also included.
Sample information
- Required: Select the sample type (Protein, RNA, Detergent etc.) from the pulldown
- Required: Fill in the macromolecule's abbreviated name, e.g. SOD1 | 5S rRNA | Sucrose Monocaprate
- Required: Fill in the macromolecule's full name, e.g. Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase | 5S ribosomal RNA | β-D-Fructofuranosyl Monodecanoate
- Optional (Required for Proteins/Nucleic Acids): Chemical Formula or Sequence. Please use the formula only, do not add in headers from files such as fasta, e.g. MSAAKIHHHHHH | ATGATCTTATAA | C22H40O12
- Optional: Fill in the Source Organism and the NCBI Taxonomy ID, e.g. Homo sapiens & 9606, respectively
- Optional: Fill in the Expression Organism and the NCBI Taxonomy ID e.g. Escherichia coli & 562 , respectively
- 3702 | Arabidopsis thaliana
- 9913 | Bos taurus
- 6239 | Caenorhabditis elegans
- 7955 | Danio rerio
- 7227 | Drosophila melanogaster
- 562 | Escherichia coli
- 9606 | Homo sapiens
- 10090 | Mus musculus
- 1773 | Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- 4932 | Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 4896 | Schizosaccharomyces pombe
- 694009 | Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus
- 8364 | Xenopus tropicalis
- Optional: For proteins, fill in the Uniprot Identifier, e.g. B6CHW7 for Alvinella pompejana SOD
- Common codes:
Data Files
- Required for large datasets: a compressed zip file that only contains the SAS data files for your dataset
- Each file within the compressed zip file should contain plain text, with three columns representing the scattering angles, intensities and errors
- Each file within the compressed zip file should have the extension .dat
- Do not add images to your zip file, or other supporting material
- Filenames must be alphanumeric and may contain dots (.), dashes (-), or underscores (_)
- The compressed files must also have the extension .zip
- There is currently a memory limit of 1 KB to 20 MB for the zip file
- Only one zip file is allowed per dataset
- Required for small datasets: Individual SAS curve files
- These files should also be included in your main dataset
- Each file should contain plain text, with three columns representing the scattering angles, intensities and errors
- Filenames must be alphanumeric and may contain dots (.), dashes (-), or underscores (_)
- The files should have the extension .dat
- The memory limit for each file is 1 to 300 KB
- There is a limit of up to 100 files that may be submitted this way
Optional Information
Supplemental Data and Supporting Materials
- Optional: You may add additional files that support your dataset
- Support files with further descriptions of the project or additional details of the file contents in the zip file or individual SAS data should be in either the portable document format or plain text with the .pdf or .txt extensions, respectively
- Modelled or X-ray crystal structure atomic coordinates should have the .pdb or .cif extension
- Tables or spreadsheets should have the .csv format and extension
- Do not upload journal articles
- The memory limit for each file is 1 to 10 MB
- There is a combined limit of up to 10 support files
Journal Information
- Optional: You may add your published journals Document Object Identifier (DOI) number
- Enter the full url such as ""
- Or copy and paste the identifier shown on sites such as NCBI PubMed, e.g. "10.1038/nature15646"
- Do not use urls that point directly to journal articles
Experimental Metadata
- Optional: Add the experimental metadata for your dataset
- SAS Source: Synchrotrons, Nuclear reactors and Spallation neutron sources, Home sources, etc.
- The particular beamline or instrument
- Data collection wavelength in angstroms
- Sample to detector distance in meters
- Optional: Add any collaborators or researchers you wish that contributed to the project
- Click the "Add Collaborator" link to add the first person
- Fill in the first name, middle initial, last name of the person
- Add their email address
- Add their affiliation/institute
- Click "Add Collaborator" link again to add the next collaborator
Editing or Deleting Your Data
- Once you have submitted your data, you can find it later using the MyDatasets link in the top navigation bar
- After you have identified your dataset, you may click either the Show, Edit, or Delete links to perform the corresponding action
- Warning - you will not be able to recover your data if you choose to delete it
Releasing Your Data to the Public
- Once you are ready to release your data to the public, go to the Edit page for the particular dataset, as shown above, and click the Publish Dataset radio button, and click the Submit Status button.
- Your dataset will be reviewed for adhering to site policy and conformity, we will however not validate your data. Following review, your data will then be published.
- Warning - Currently, once sent to pending status, you will not be able to revert the action
- Warning - If you delete your account, your data will also be deleted